Powering The World With Hydrogen

  • Theresia Asteria Post Graduate Student of Paramadina University, Jakarta.
Keywords: climate change; clean energy; energy challenge; renewable energy; hydrogen; hydrogen economy; innovation, fuel cell


The global energy consumption has been on the rise worldwide as developing nations begin to industrialize and as consumers in developed nations buy more energy consuming appliances to make life more comfort- able. If the current trends continue, we may face an energy shortage in future. The phrase "hydrogen economy" refers to programs at using hydrogen as an energy carrier to replace hydrocarbon fuels and reduce emissions pro- duced by their consumption. Technologies such as fuel cells developed for cars, buses, power generation and other applications, along with the infra- structural implications of their broad and increasing use, are being de- monstrated in many countries around the world. Activities related to the hydrogen economy are covered on a country by country basis, where applicable.


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How to Cite
Theresia Asteria. (2018). Powering The World With Hydrogen. Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi Dan Perubahan Sosial, 5(2), 55-65. https://doi.org/10.33258/konfrontasi2.v2i2.71