The Impact of Christian Teachings on National Development

  • Akinwumi O.S. Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti (Bouesti)
Keywords: national development; christian teaching; living standard; impact; growth; achievement


National development is about improving a nation to improve the living standards of the people within that nation. This can be achieved when the people are provided with basic livelihood requirements such as employment. It is indeed a process that creates growth, brings in progress and positive changes. Christian teachings refer to the specific teachings of the Bible on various subjects which include: uniqueness of Jesus, one God (trinity), necessity of the cross (salvation), resurrection and second coming of Jesus and inspiration of the scriptures. From time immemorial , christian teachings had made tremendous impact on national development. The objective of this work, therefore, is to elucidate the impact of christian teachings on national development. In view of its historical nature, the work employs historical method in its analysis. The findings of this work, however, reveal that the moral and ethical atrophy being witnessed in the nation can be curbed through christian teachings and adherence to them  will enhance rapid national development.


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How to Cite
Akinwumi O.S. (2023). The Impact of Christian Teachings on National Development. Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi Dan Perubahan Sosial, 10(3), 150-158.